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Acrolinx - Demos and Training

As a Linguistic Solutions Consultant for Acrolinx, I developed innovative training and demos.

In 2018 I gave the talk, Governance in Content: Draconian Overlord or Supportive Coach. It describes how we can use AI (Acrolinx) in partnership with human intelligences in powerful ways. Using AI means we can leverage what computers for what they do best, such as eidetic memory, ability to be used at any time (even while in pajamas), and operating at scales that human minds aren't built for. Properly used, AI can help us celebrate and support humans to do what they do best, such as more time for meaningful coaching rather than being the grammar police. Acrolinx can also provide metrics that help show the impact of skilled content creators.

  • Yes, my laugh is a little goofy, but hopefully charming!
  • Yes, I sincerely do get a little verklempt talking about Kim Stanley Robinson and dreams for a better future.