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The Pulp Stage Case Study

Pulp Stage logo, plus the text Live theater, In person and on-line, Supporting new voices


Founded in 2010, the Pulp Stage is a theater company with a mission to inspire and empower the creation of theatre by generating exciting, easy-to-stage plays. During Covid, the Pulp Stage needed to pivot to online performances and online promotion. Without the energy of live venues and performances the Pulp Stage needed a much stronger branding, social media strategy and design assets.

In 2023 the Pulp Stage's founder needed to swiftly retire because of health reasons. The Pulp Stage needed to consider if it would continue to exist and how it would govern itself now that the central figure and driving force was leaving the Pulp Stage.


Volunteer Banner

I had been involved with the Pulp Stage as a playwrite since 2010, "Dear Ms Moon" was a particular favorite and staged fairly often. In 2020, I started coaching the Pulp Stage around social media, marketing, brand strategy and created design assets for them. Building on existing assets, like the Pulp Stage Logo, I created strong consistent brand identities for different aspects of the Pulp Stage, such as Pulp Factor and the Writer's Nightmare. I created templates and trained Pulp Stage members around how to use Canva to make new assets as needed (while keeping in mind the brand identity). I created social media and marketing calendars and coached leaders around marketing strategy as well as how to use Facebook analytics.

In 2023 I drew on my governance and change management consulting experience to support and coach members of the Pulp Stage as they navigated an unexpected and significant change. I helped normalize certain experiences and connected people to non profit resources specifically about navigating the departure of the founder. I provided resources and coaching to help them explore multiple governance models.

As part of this transition we formed a small team that completely overhauled the Pulp Stage website. This project was also a process that helped the Pulp Stage articulate its mission, vision and new structure.


Volunteer Banner

The Pulp Stage has a wide variety of design assets, a strong brand identity and a sustainable social media strategy.

The Pulp Stage website is now a strong asset that people enjoy sharing that helps drive engagement. The Pulp Stage has a strong visual identity and fun assets to promote every performance.

In 2023 it was unclear if the Pulp Stage would continue. In 2024 the Pulp Stage is going strong. It has successfully transitioned to a much more collective mode of operations with Pulp Stage members stepping up to make different parts of the Pulp blossom. I'm proud to have played a small part in the evolution of the Pulp.

Pulp Stage logo, plus the text Live theater, In person and on-line, Supporting new voices

Colleen Socha, Managing Director

Liz has been amazing asset from a graphics perspective and for our first steps of transitioning into a collective model. As a designer she creates multiple options for us to consider. She created and organized a schedule for our graphics, as well as creating a place for us to "check the boxes" to make sure that we've remembered to post on our various social media pages. She's very supportive and constructive, providing advice and great resources for us to check out.

John Marks, Artistic Director

As above! And I'm also very grateful that Liz taught me how to use Canva, in addition to creating really thorough graphics packages for our shows, with multiple options to choose from. There's always extras, she's so generous!


  • The Pulp Stage website

    • I created the visual components, but did not create most of the copy.
  • A sampling of social media posts

  • Facebook event cover
Pulp Stage logo, plus the text Live theater, In person and on-line, Supporting new voices