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Aria Data Tools Case Study


In 2022 Project Aria was preparing to announce its first ever open data release with accompanying C++ and Python tooling. We had no idea how this project would be received and we had a very small team.


Given how busy our engineers were, I took on creating our static website (powered by Docusaurus), as well as taking an extremely active role putting together the documentation. Having only been in the role for a month, and never having created a static website before, I quickly leveled up and produced high quality content. I used PRDs, instructions to data collectors and various specs to identify documentation needs and drive documentation creation.


The open data release was extremely successful and helped inspire many future releases. The documentation was so clear that we did not need to publish a supporting research paper. Everything people needed was in the website.

Aria Data Tools helped pave the way for Project Aria's even more ambitious project Project Aria Docs.

Sample pages

Sample pages on this portfolio site:

Go to the Aria Data Tools Archive site to explore the archived site.