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Project Aria Docs Case Study


Aria Data Tools was created in a very small window of time for a specific release. After the success of Aria Data Tools, we needed to create a much larger website that catered to multiple audiences. Research Partner only documentation was going to be made open source. The site needed to be able to support a lot more tooling (C++, Python, apps and a SDK), use cases and data releases.


Working with a much larger team of SMEs we created Project Aria Docs (originally called Project Aria Tools) within a very tight timeline. This site was then added to and evolved over time. I created templates to drive clarity and consistency in associated content (such as the HOT3D README).


Enormously positive feedback from our users about the quality of our documentation, especially when compared to other documentation in the field. It is really nice to hear PhD students loudly exclaim "Your documentation is amazing, it saved me!" etc.

Engineers and researchers have thanked me for raising the standards around documentation and that they'll take these principles forward into future projects.

Sample Pages

Project Aria Docs site